Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Community Engagement Explored

Driving Question: How can we rethink education where students engage in the cultural, historic and civic amenities of Liberty and the greater KC area to deepen and extend their learning and provide purposeful experiences and focused reflection to discover knowledge, embrace skills and integrate values into their life?

As we have unpacked this driving question, we have identified three key areas to help us facilitate relevant learning experiences. We are excited to see this unfold this year. 

Discover: Service learning teaches civic responsibility by integrating meaningful service into the learning process, empowering and inspiring students to be citizens and architects of a better world. Through their service-learning activities, students apply classroom knowledge in practical settings to deepen their understanding of significant content.

Embrace: Students gain academic knowledge and skills, interpersonal skills, and self confidence. Service-learning provides students with opportunities to develop communication and collaboration skills. They can also gain important experience working with diverse members of the community.

Integrate: Students may better understand themselves and know their gifts and talents as they explore and develop ways to contribute to their communities. They can develop self confidence and an enhanced commitment to serving others.

Examples thus far this year:
  • Studio 4 has identified non-profits that need help, and they are committed to advocating for these non-profits as change makers. 
  • Coming soon--Studio 5 will explore hunger within the community and how they can help. 

Discover: Community as resource teaches students to explore their world around them and inquire about different topics and interests as it relates to the “real world.” It also gives students access to the world beyond the classroom so students learn relevance and usefulness of content both in and out of school. Moving beyond the classroom walls diversifies learning opportunities, connecting school with daily life and real problems.

Embrace: Students explore their own passions and interests and use the world around them to enhance the learning process.

Integrate: Students gain the experience of working with experts in the community. They develop a sense of self-efficacy as they pursue interests, work with experts, and experience work in the real world.

Examples thus far this year:
  • Butterfly garden experts for Studio 2
  • Chefs and other visitors on STEM careers in Studio 5
  • KMBC anchor for Studio 1 Recess Report and broadcasting skills

Discover: Community in Partnership is an action-based approach, requiring students to partner with local businesses and act as consultants or freelancers, with the goal of framing a problem or opportunity, collecting data and research, providing and creating solutions, and possibly implementing ideas.

Embrace:  Students infuse their passions and skills into the action-based approach, identifying gifts and talents within themselves as they grow and learn.

Integrate: Students learn transferrable skills such as literacy, collaboration, and communication, along with real life partnerships and real life work that is deeply embedded in customized significant content.

Examples thus far this year:
  • Studio 3 explored the water crisis in the world and, as a result of their awareness, created works of art to sell and raise money for

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